The company was founded in 1992. under the name 'Head' Ltd. and engaged in trade of leather goods, promotional material and screen and pad printing. In 1995 we started manufacturing leather goods. 2001, changing its name to 'Dramin-Djurovic' Ltd. as it is today. We also have registered in BiH - in Pale, the Serbian Republic since 1999. under the name 'Head' Ltd., as well as in Montenegro called 'Dramin' Ltd. since 2008. year. Owner and manager of Milan Djurovic.
Srbijašume, Energoprojekt, Tobacco Podgorica, Serbian Government, the Customs of the Republic of Serbian, Energopterol, Jugopetrol, Beopetrol, Holidey Inn Hotel, Hotel Radon Plaza, Hotel Laguna, BiH Ministry, National Bank of Serbia, Serbian forests, Gendarmerie Serbia and many others.
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